Get your Book, DVD, or CD-MP3 listed and published on ( and qualified for IMDB if you have a DVD)
- $600 to do the set up work.
- $125.00 for ISBN # and UPC (If you don’t have one)
- Competetive printing prices and you can order as little as one unit at a time
- Books are produced when customers order so there is no inventory
- Sell your own book on and your own website
- You set your price and earn monthly royalties from Amazon
- Books are printed in color or b&w with full-color paperback covers
Your List price minus Printing Cost (which varies depending on book size, color, pages, etc.) and Amazon fee (which = 55% of list price)
100 page black and white book with list price of $20 = you net $ 8.00
100 page color book with list price of $20. = you net $ 6.50
DVD on Demand Service -- (Coming Soon!)
- DVDs are produced when customers order so there is no inventory
- Sell your DVD on, and your own website
- You set your price and earn monthly royalties
- High quality, full color DVD-Rs in full-color Amaray-style cases
- DVDs are eligible for listing on IMDb
- DVDs can be made available as a video download through Amazon Video On Demand™
- Multi-disc sets, multi-case collections, and combined DVD and CD sets are available
- orders are eligible for Super Saver Shipping, One-day Shipping, and 1-Click ordering
- DVD-Video format
Royalty Summary Amount earned on sales = Your list price minus our share (you set the price)
Our Share (Includes Amazon fees) Fixed Charge $5.95 / unit + Share for sales on +55% / sale
1 DVD $20 list price = you net $ 5.77